Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

Postby Calberd Ofarrel » 25 Feb 2009, 21:30

I'm confused... What advantage does someone have using an auto-casting system that EVERYONE has available? I can see the argument over using an auto-caster that not everyone has. However, I'm failing to see why an embedded auto caster is such a big deal? I know I skimmed the thread but all the negative stuff I'm reading is that auto-casting gives an unfair advantage to those who have it over those who dont. Wouldn't this eliminate that objection? Can someone explain to me why an auto-caster that everyone can use is a negative thing besides that?
Calberd Ofarrel
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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

Postby Robertltux McCallen » 14 Mar 2009, 17:24

any idea of timing on the new rods??
Robertltux McCallen
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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

Postby Seven Shikami » 14 Mar 2009, 20:23

Sometime after Fishiversary. My worry dropped a bit when it was clear one of the reported exploits was not in fact going to be released, so I'm a bit less worried about rushing this out -- I refocused my efforts on the celebration instead. Once that's clear I can get back to work on this.
From the workshop of Seven Shikami, Official 7Seas Code Monkey.
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Seven Shikami
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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

Postby Wolfpup Lowenhar » 25 Mar 2009, 08:44

There are 'auto-caster' huds out there useing an 'undisclosed' security hole and having the 'auto-casting' feature builtinto the rod its self will help to 'seal' some of the 'security' breaches in the rods them selves and if there is a fishing area that dose not want autocasting used they will have the ability to turn it off via the fish servers just like 'enforced' quiet mode. ;)
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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

Postby Seven Shikami » 13 Apr 2009, 11:44

We're gearing up for the 3.3 release. It will work as described in this thread -- autocaster built in, shutting off HUDs, no score advantage, fishing areas are allowed to disable it if they desire. (It's up to fishers to find fishing areas that have settings they want -- be it autocasting, quiet catch, or whatever else we come up with later.)
From the workshop of Seven Shikami, Official 7Seas Code Monkey.
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Seven Shikami
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