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Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 14:56
by Migizi North
I love the idea of having an autocaster built into the rod. That's one less thing i have to worry about when i'm fishing. I use a gesture now as a matter of conveniance, but usually I'm too busy chatting to reset it when it runs out. That's why i have it play a song at the end to remind me. I don't fish long in an area when i'm alone, so the social aspect of the game is the biggest draw for me.
As for the security hole... and this should be a no-brainer... plug it! I'm sure that when micro$oft plugs a security hole there are lots of people (hackers) who get upset when their tools quit working... too bad.
I love this game AND the people who created it, so whatever you decide, I'll still be here fishing, building customs, and helping out however I can.
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 14:56
by Rails
Nibbles on a bacon sandwich.
Seven has to protect his investmment and if that means closing a hole in the code, so be it.
This seems to be centred around marathons, which IMHO are a waste of time and just a means to get constant traffic at a sim, and the end reward if you win, dont justify the amount of time or bait you have used.
Reality check, there are people who have disabilities in real life, and can escape their disabilites in secondlife and become part of this great community, they achieve a sense of freedom denied to them in real life.
If anyone doesnt like disabled people in secondlife, or denies their right to be here then folks you are being discriminatory.
So what is the solution, well it is obvious to me, Seven create an official 7seas auto caster.
Sim owners can elect to allow residents to use one or not, this is not rocket science.
From my standpoint, my fishing friends can catch the fish with their teeth if they want, so long as they are having fun.
I dont do marathons, the max time for a contest I run is one hour.
So seven PLEASE bring out a official 7seas autocaster.
And for those of the fishing coimunity who dont like disabled people, and allowing these people to experience 7seas fishing using a autocaster, you are cutting your own throat.
Secondlife is supposed to be divoid of the barriers we see in first life.
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 14:58
by Atashi Toshihiko
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:01
by Barbara Schwarz
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:02
by Lyansidde
I strongly support the use and development of an official autocaster. However, it should be a minimum of two hours long. Additionally, landowners should be able to block it only in marathons.
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:06
by Seven Shikami
Not to derail things, but -- I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong.
The ethics really come into play more when a tool is USED than when it is created. An autocaster which has no detection and no suppression can be abused in an area which disallows autocasting, but the shady/unethical aspect comes into play when someone actually DOES said abuse of the tool. Otherwise the tool is a tool. I'd like to think people would make an effort to make a tool that's LESS abusable, but in the end abuse is a willful action on behalf of the tool holder.
Even after we add an official autocaster (IF we add one! It's still up for discussion!) anybody using a third party one in direct defiance of a fishing area owner's wishes is unethical. Simply owning or creating one is not the problem.
Now, that said, there's lots of good reasons in this thread for why an autocaster is legitimate and useful -- physical disabilities, social convenience, newbie experience, etc. Are there any votes against, and if so, what reasoning is there for why autocasting harm the 7Seas experience?
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:11
by Jen Shikami
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:21
by anddy heartsdale
I feel an offical autocasters would be a great idea makingit a more level field
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:28
by Jen Shikami
Re: Feature Proposal: Official Autocasting

19 Feb 2009, 15:53
by Atashi Toshihiko