mish mish`s scuba pets+St. Valentine`s cupid

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mish mish`s scuba pets+St. Valentine`s cupid

Postby Gabriel1972 Noriega » 10 Feb 2009, 14:25

Hi fishaholics!
here our scuba pals collection
they are kawaii style animals with snorkel that swim around you.
We made a special one for st. Valentine`s day, it`s a cupid that gives a hart-arrow when touched.

catch`em at mish mish fishing area

if you`re an anxious person you can buy them at our gift shop
or just visit
http://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?na ... 247&page=3
scubapals.jpg (153.58 KiB) Viewed 11110 times
Gabriel1972 Noriega
Posts: 9
Joined: 03 Feb 2009, 18:33

Re: mish mish`s scuba pets+St. Valentine`s cupid

Postby 7Seas Sass » 10 Feb 2009, 20:12

Gabriel, you reposted this thread after we moved it to the proper forum:

I'll lock this version and in a few days, after you've presumably noticed, I'll delete it. If you're just posting to promote new OpenSeas items, don't post it here. Post it over in Community Announcements. Thanks. :)
You can just call me "Sass." I am your official customer support gal! Send me an IM in Second Life (name: 7Seas Sass) if you need individual help.
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