-I am starting this Topic for progress notes on creation of the new fish and which items will be moved to orb. Any suggestions for additions should be made here. The plan is to make 25 new fish, and i am currently on #7, I still have plenty of ideas, but may run out before I get done, lol.
Here are the Items that will definately be replaced and moved to the orb when the change is made. You may want to catch these while they are still catchable.
(CC) Common Fish: Calico Koi
(CC) Common Fish: Demo Fish (emits particles)
(CC) Common Stuff: Teal Rotating Floaty Tube (sit and spin)
(CC) Common Stuff: Purple Rotating Floaty Tube (sit and spin)
(CC) Common Stuff: BumbleBee Bikini Set
(CC) Common Stuff: Skull Bikini Set
(CC) Common Stuff: Sunset Bikini Set
(CC) Common Stuff: Autumn Bikini Set
(CC) Common Stuff: GreenSea Bikini Set
(CC) Common Stuff: Tropical Floral Dress Bx
(CC) Common Stuff: Tropical Reef Dress Bx
(CC) Uncommon Stuff: TortoiseShell Glasses
(CC) Uncommon Stuff: Ladies FishNet Bx
(CC) Uncommon Stuff: Pirate Wench Costume
(CC) Uncommon Stuff: Dolphin Tatoo (shoulder tatoo)
(CC) Rare Stuff: Dive & Salvage Suit Bx (swim animations)
(CC) UltraRare Fish: Psychedelic Diving Dolphin (changes colors)
(CC) UltraRare Stuff: Titanic Necklace (particle emitter)
(CC) UltraRare Stuff: Koi Tatoo (full back tatoo)
(CC) SuperUltraRare Fish: Giant Octopus
(CC) UltraRare Fish: Big Green Turtle
(CC) Uncommon Fish: Crazy Eyed Koi
(CC) Uncommon Stuff: Tuna Can Roller Skate (Left)
(CC) Rare Stuff: Tuna Can Roller Skate (Right)
More detail on new additions Coming Soon, watch this string