Interesting! We can make _some_ assumption about the activity level of those fishers; because they have accounts in the database, we know for sure that those 15,641 fishers are all people who've upgraded to rod version 3.0 and above. That means all those people have been active between September and now.
... Wow, almost 16,000 fishers and still adding almost 100 fishers a day? (non-demo rods) Egads!!
99,133 items sounds like it would actually be at least 100K items requested considering the following:
A) the vast majority of those would be fish caught,
B) I am sure a lot of people hit "decline" on repeat fish,
C) I know many folks have me and Meissa muted so they don't have to bother hitting "decline." (The mutes are totally understandable! Soon they won't have to do that anymore, when AutoDecline kicks in with rod version 3.2. It's nice to see a baseline of what the number would probably be without AutoDecline running though.)
Another interesting inference is possible here. Given the sales figures shown for non-fishy things, approx. 1,000 of those 100K items were purchases. So let's say that's at least 99,000 official fish caught every day.
Assuming all active fishers are L5+ and using bait (which is a big assumption) and given a 65% catch success rate for people level 5 and above, that would translate into about 152,000 casts per day.
While those are big assumptions, that does closely jive with the bait numbers listed for today: 165K individual pieces of bait. Since not everyone is L5+ as assumed in the paragraph above, it makes sense that folks would indeed use more bait than the idealized 152K calculated in the previous paragraph. Still, the numbers are quite close, which means that probably most of our active daily fishers are you hardcore L5+ folks!
Given that you can cast once about every 30 seconds, then that 165K bait is the equivalent of 1,375 man-hours of fishing per day. (Zounds!) Of course reality would break that down into an even higher number since there are also people fishing without bait, casting slower, etc.
And this was a weekday; we know weekends are even more active...
So I think it's clear that the number of active daily fishers is quite high, in the hundreds at least, possibly thousands. We've said it before, but wow, thank you!

SO glad you're having fun!